Two years ago, if I had been sitting outside, like I am now, after a long day I probably would be worried if the makeup that I had put on at 8 a.m. was still covering all my acne. I would have been thinking about how I could live such a better life if only I didn't struggle with acne.

2 Years ago with lots of makeup on. Now! Not a drop of makeup on!
Two years ago I felt that I had to cover my scars up because I wasn't going to be excepted by others if I showed my real skin. I was lying to myself continually.
I was ashamed. I was embarrassed. I was uncomfortable. I hated my skin. I wanted to be like everyone else. I was not content. I thought I would be happier if I had more beautiful skin.
I was struggling with severe acne and I had tried everything on my skin; from raw eggs to honey. After a year of buying a cheap foundation from Walmart and spending 20+ minutes a day putting it on, and feeling so gross all day because of the harsh chemicals, I was SO DONE! I did not find happiness or confidence in wearing makeup at all.
The truth is, my friend, you will never be happy in your skin. There will always be some part of your body that you just don't like. I believed the lies of this world. I thought that outward beauty would truly make me happy. But, can I tell you a secret? Outward beauty isn't what defines who you are or where you get your happiness from. Only Jesus can! He is where you will find true beauty.
“God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart”
The bible tells us that we will get stuck on the outer appearance which is exactly what I was doing. But, God doesn't want us to look at outer appearance but the heart!
In His eyes, He sees you as someone beautiful because of your heart and not because of outer appearance. He sees someone that loves the Lord so much that when people look at you they don't see your acne or scares but your beautiful heart.
I remember the day I decided that I wasn't gonna worry about smugging on layers of foundation on my skin. For the first time in over a year, I left the house with no makeup. I went to Walmart, and I was scared but I realized that I was going to have to be okay with feeling uncomfortable if I wanted things to change. From there I took baby steps. It took me a long time before I fully realized that I was beautiful the way I was without makeup.

Let's celebrate who God has made you! The worst thing I did to tear down my confidence was compare myself to every girl I knew. That left me feeling so torn apart!
Never compare!! It's so dangerous!
When you can live in His sweet love for your beauty, you won't worry about how you look. But, instead, you will be the girl that is confident because you know who you are living for. God has chosen you and wants you to run to Him- not to this world!
It's fun to wear makeup every once in a while but now I wear it for a new reason. I don't put on makeup with the mindset of wanting to cover up the real me but to enhance the way God has made me.
My prayer is that you too would learn just how beautiful God has created you without makeup or a filter!
Helpful Hints
1. Do you find yourself always wanting the approval of others? Do you feel as if you always need to have a filter on? If yes, maybe reconsider why you are wearing makeup. Is it healthy for your heart and mind to be covering yourself up?
2. Take baby steps. As you read my story, you noticed that it didn't just happen overnight that I all of a sudden felt confident to wear no makeup. No, but within 3-6 months I learned how to stop looking outwardly. Maybe instead of a heavy foundation, wear some BB cream. Trying easing yourself off of what you use to cover up yourself.
3. Write down some bible verses about appearance and inward beauty and put it on your mirror.
4. Ask a close friend of how they truly see your heart.
5. Remember who God has made you. He has made you beautiful just the way you are. Speak words of truth onto yourself and don't listen to the devil's lies.
6. Ask God to change your worldly view of beauty to a God-honoring view of beauty.
You are beautiful!
Love you girl,
Hannah B
So true!!